Sunday, April 12, 2009

"Driving" me crazy

I'm learning to drive. And I'm surprisingly pretty decent at it. I’ve gone only for 8 days or so and I can almost drive on road filled with traffic on my own. But there are some things about driving that you realise only if you are in the driver's seat. Quite literally- in this case.
For instance, how irritating it is when people just cross the road according to their whims and fancies. You have no clue if they are going to or not. They just come and stand there, almost in the middle of the road and stare at you. I'm surprised I haven't knocked anyone over yet. Hello?. Zebra crossing people. heard of it? Probably not. No one follows rules in India. Of any kind. And especially not of the road. There are hardly any roads, let alone road signs or zebra crossings. I used to be one of those people too. Who used to just randomly cross roads. Now I don't though, I'm more sympathetic to the plight of the person behind the wheel.
I haven't let learnt to pick up my vehicle once I stop at a signal. Result?. Knock you in the head, make you bone jump out of your skin kind HONKING.I have an "L" board ok? I am learning. So why can't people just get that and go on the side. But no, some joy they get out of honking the hell out of their cars.
And there are things and people who are distractions without even realizing it themselves. Like that aunty who is sitting at the back of the scooter in the front. She is wearing a low back and candy pink outfit. And she isn’t exactly "model" figured ok. Its is just bloody distracting. And that old guy in the front who simply refuses to hear the horn and go on the sidewalk. That cute little pug going for its morning walk. That taxi driver who'll insist on following you around and honking at every possible opportunity. The list is endless.

Cosequence?.good driver or not, I've sure become a good curser(already

Saturday, April 11, 2009

all the people in the world

First days at schools or classes turn most people into a nervous wreck. Not me. I have lots of fun "people watching”. Its interesting observing the different kinds of people. I try not to judge by appearance, but its so hard not to. Here are some of the usual categories

1. The bunch of short skirts and cleavage(well whatever little they have) showing top wearing girls. You know the kinds who carry those bags big enough to kidnap babies in. Wear only branded clothes. They ones who greet each other with high pitched and absolutely fake "hiiiiiiii" often accompanied by a put on accent. These girls talk only those who look like them.

2. Some genuinely sweet girls who actually smile at you and try to make friends. This is a very rare species. And these are not to be mistaken for those who find out your name and school only so that they can either make fun of you/your school or talk about the same behind your back.

3. The ones who are already pouring over their books. Either preparing for class or (god forbid) revising what they've already prepared. They are mostly bespectacled; hair oiled and combed, ‘wearing what their mom asked them to’ kinds. These are better to be left on their own . Try to make conversation and you are most likely to get told off for 'wasting' their time.

4. The phone or i-pod junkies who are perpetually texting or talking to someone. They will often be so absorbed in their activity that they won't even realise it when class begins and sometimes even ends. They are the ones who are better off in their bedroom.

5. The spiked hair, football jersey wearing guys. They'll walk in few minutes after class begins and will stride around like they've entered the locker room after a match, directly head to the last bench and put on a bored expression that'll be the only one you see throughout the class.

And there are some who can be put into the miscellaneous category. Polite ones, the cursers(at a rate of 5 curse words per sentence or more), the dreamers, the flirts, the show-offs, those who wear black everyday and the list just goes on.

Oh I forgot one kind. The kind who sit in the last bench, look at everyone around and furiously scribble into their notebooks only so that they can write a blog entry about it later.
No prizes for guessing which category I belong to....

Sunday, April 5, 2009


This post is called catharsis because that is what I wanted to name my bloggie. For those of you who don't know what that means, here is the dictionary meaning - A release of emotional tension, as after an overwhelming experience, that restores or refreshes the spirit.
But it was already taken. So I just named it lifeisbeautifulconditionsapply...rather a long name isn't it? But it is my most favorite quote or phrase ever. So I guess it is in a way perfect. Also makes lots of sense if you think about it.
My first blog is a pure poetry blog. "Pure" here means that the blog just contains poetry and nothing else. It does NOT mean that my poems are PURE. Yeah I bet some of you are snickering already. The name is quite deceiving actually. When I tell people my blog link they just assume that it is porn or Get it? I actually named it that way because I "kiss bliss" every time I write poetry. Poetry is a big part of my life.

But lately there've been times when I've just wanted to write text. And this blog is a consequence of those bouts of "writer's itch" that I've been having. I am going to write about all sorts of stuff. Not classified. Definitely not censored. I may or may not be regular. But I promise to be real. I promise to be me.