Tuesday, July 5, 2011

take some time

when you busy running around every day, when you are driving and honking and swearing you way in and out of traffic..take some time off
- to see the smile brighten up the eyes of the street urchin.
- to acknowledge the lady who waits for you to drive by
- to hug you mom who is holding her heart in her hands till you reach home everyday
- feel the wind lash against you face - even if it is a little polluted
- marvel at how easy technology has made out lives - stop taking it for granted
- be grateful for the few trees and bushes remaining that give you some shade on sunny days

Thursday, June 30, 2011


Things that suck when your father dies
1. How you have to late next to his place everytime you fill a form - how silly- he died early, not late
2. How you don't get to go shopping with him anymore and let him pamper you
3. How you hate to see your once 'lakshanam; mum now all all sobered down
4. How awkward it gets when people ask you - so, what does your dad do?
5. How you can't ride him/ drive him around and when you were young - you always wanted to do that
6. How you kinda miss that no one really asks about your grades anymore
7. How your mum gets all teary when anyone mentions him
8. How you will never get to sit on his lap when you get married
9. How he used to smell
10. How he used to tease you
11. How he thought the world of you and dotted on you

Monday, May 30, 2011

a shiver up my spine

I am waiting for you to come along
to watch my first horror movie
And yes I know that when I tell you this
You will be surprised and insist that I watch one immediately
And I will pretend to protest
And then you can tell me that I have nothing to worry
Coz you will be right next to me
Thats what I have been waiting for, love

And we can watch my first horror movie together
I will cuddle up to you
And you can chivalrously put your arms around me
And I will shriek even when I am not scared
And bury my head in your chest
And I won;t really get up to watch the movie after that

See now - that doesn't sound scary at all..

So..when are you coming?

corny desires

I want to go to the movies with you and sit like we are just friends
And then I want you to buy us a big bucket of pop corn to share
and then when we both reach for the pop corn at the same time
I want our hands to touch
then I want you to hold my hand, and I will try to be shy and withdraw it
and then you can try to be gentlemanly and not hold it again..
and pretend to watch the movie again
and then I will be myself..and just pull your hand out and hold it tight..
You can then put your arm around my shoulder
And I will rest my head on your chest
and get lost in you...